A few school policies to remember:
- NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED for a grade!!! However, we expect all assignments to be handed in. Projects are allowed to be turned in late, but will lose 10% each day they are late (up to 5 days).
- Always write in cursive
- Restate questions and answer in complete sentences
- Titles and headings are required on work
You will
- 2 composition books
- Folder with brads or 3 ring binder (.5 in)
- Writing utensil
Start of
- Come in quietly and be seated.
- Get your folder and notebook.
- Turn to bellwork section in your notebook and answer questions.
- Turn in any homework due at the beginning of class; any work not turned in then will be considered late. If you did not do your homework, you must fill out your “No Homework Log” sheet. It must be filled out entirely.
- You are responsible for getting any assignments you missed!
- Make-up work can be found in the binder at the front of the room.
- Bellwork is on the “Homework” board-you must make it up. Blanks are counted as wrong.
- Any work that was due when you were absent must be turned in upon your return.
- All students will complete a science fair project; all assigned final drafts will count as a project grade.
- All students must have a notebook with brads or 3-ring binder to keep detailed notes about their project.
- You will be given due dates for all the individual parts of your project. If you fail to turn in a part on time, you MUST still complete it. Each part builds on the previous part, so you cannot skip anything. The next part will NOT be graded until you complete missing work.
- Any student absent the day of the science fair will do make-up assignments to get credit.
student will have a folder in the black filing cabinet.
folder will contain all returned work and any important handouts.
- You will have 1 class composition book per semester (I will keep your extra notebooks until next semester).
- Your notebook will contain all your notes, handouts, labs, etc.
- Your notebook will be a vital learning tool; therefore, it will be kept in the classroom until you show me that you can keep up with it.
should be prepared to take unannounced quizzes regularly.
are used to help me check your understanding and help you see how you are
can also be used to prepare for tests.
- Tuesday afternoons; 3:30-4:00-come in, ask questions, get help, or review.
- I will make other sessions available before tests.
My Class:
- We will come up with an attention getter and this will be used as my signal that I need you to stop talking IMMEDIATELY and give me your attention.
- I will let you out of class when it is time to go. Do not pack up or stand up until I say to.
- You may not use the restroom during class; unless, it is an emergency.
- Cheating will not be tolerated; you will be referred to the office and receive a zero.
- Respect your teachers, yourself, and fellow students
- Be responsible for yourself and personal belongings
- Help create an environment in which all students feel safe and welcome. NO BULLYING!!!
Consequences: Any steps can be skipped
depending on the severity of the problem
- Verbal warning
- Move to Peace Desk (in class)
- Move to alternative location (out of class)-parent will be contacted.
- Referral to office
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